
» Settlers Map Source Forums » Siedler DEdK Script Forum » MainWindow_LoadGame_DoLoadGame_Changed(_Slot)

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16-03-2015 19:36
Posts: 666


I'm trying to hack MainWindow_LoadGame_DoLoadGame_Changed(_Slot) in order to determine the save slot of the saved game that is clicked in the load saved game window.

So for this I started to copy the complete original code in the hacked function, but somehow it always returns _Slot in sequence of the maps as listed in the load saved game window (on date) instead of in sequence of the saved game slots.

This is the original function (in chat.lua):

MainWindow_LoadGame_DoLoadGame( _Slot )

	local Index = MainWindow_SaveGame_LoadListOffset + _Slot
	local SaveGameData = { Framework.GetSaveGameNames( Index, 1 ) }
	if SaveGameData[ 1 ] == 1 then
		local Name = SaveGameData[ 2 ]
		Framework.LoadGame( Name )
		GUI.AddNote( XGUIEng.GetStringTableText( "InGameMessages/GUI_GameLoaded" ) )

	GUIAction_ToggleMenu( XGUIEng.GetWidgetID("MainMenuWindow"),0)

Perhaps someone has a way to determine which saved map is clicked in the list?

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Heb 11:1

16-03-2015 20:14
Posts: 428

Not tested in this function:

function MainWindow_LoadGame_DoLoadGame(_Slot)
    local Index = MainWindow_SaveGame_LoadListOffset + _Slot
    local SaveGameData = {Framework.GetSaveGameNames(Index, 1)}
    if SaveGameData[1] == 1 then
        local Name = SaveGameData[2]
        slotNumber = string.sub(Name, 1, 3) -- takes the first, second and third char and names them "slotNumber", spaces will be ignored
        if string.find(slotNumber, "-") then -- if the third char was a hyphen ...
            slotNumber = string.sub(slotNumber, 1, 2) -- ... it will be cut off
    GUIAction_ToggleMenu(XGUIEng.GetWidgetID"MainMenuWindow", 0)

Journalisten erkundigen sich bei Wissenschaftlern meist nicht nach Grundlagen, sondern eher nach Ergebnissen und Folgerungen. Das erklärt womöglich auch, warum sich Forschungsberichte in den Medien so häufig als feststehende Erkenntnisse lesen, nicht aber als Ideen, Entdeckungen oder Indizien, um die es sich genau genommen in den meisten Fällen handelt. -Axel Bojowski

16-03-2015 21:15
Posts: 666

No, same results

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Heb 11:1

16-03-2015 22:24
Posts: 666

I found this piece of code in the script reference: MainWindow_SaveGames_Sort()
This seems to cause the sorting of saved games per save date/time, but I fear this is not scripted in the lua codes?

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Heb 11:1

This posting has been edited by AdeBont: 16-03-2015 at 22:37.

16-03-2015 22:33
Posts: 428

Posted by AdeBont:
but I fear this is not scripted in the lua codes

It is:

function MainWindow_SaveGames_Sort(_left, _right)
    return string.upper(_left.Desc) < string.upper(_right.Desc)

Only used in this function:

function MainWindow_LoadGame_GenerateList()
    MainWindow_LoadGame_NameList = {}
    local Index = 0
    local SaveGame
    local SaveGameIndex = 1
    while true do
        SaveGame = { Framework.GetSaveGameNames(Index, 1) }
        if SaveGame[1] == 0 then
        if Framework.IsSaveGameValid(SaveGame[2]) == true then
            MainWindow_LoadGame_NameList[SaveGameIndex] = {}
            MainWindow_LoadGame_NameList[SaveGameIndex].Name = SaveGame[2]
            MainWindow_LoadGame_NameList[SaveGameIndex].Desc = Framework.GetSaveGameString( SaveGame[2] )
            local Name = string.gsub(SaveGame[2], "save_", "", 1)
            MainWindow_LoadGame_NameList[SaveGameIndex].Index = tonumber(Name)
            SaveGameIndex = SaveGameIndex + 1
        Index = Index + 1
    table.sort(MainWindow_LoadGame_NameList, MainWindow_SaveGames_Sort)

Journalisten erkundigen sich bei Wissenschaftlern meist nicht nach Grundlagen, sondern eher nach Ergebnissen und Folgerungen. Das erklärt womöglich auch, warum sich Forschungsberichte in den Medien so häufig als feststehende Erkenntnisse lesen, nicht aber als Ideen, Entdeckungen oder Indizien, um die es sich genau genommen in den meisten Fällen handelt. -Axel Bojowski

16-03-2015 22:46
Posts: 666

Hi Zedeg

In which script file is this?

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Heb 11:1

16-03-2015 22:52
Posts: 428

patch.bba -> script -> interface

Journalisten erkundigen sich bei Wissenschaftlern meist nicht nach Grundlagen, sondern eher nach Ergebnissen und Folgerungen. Das erklärt womöglich auch, warum sich Forschungsberichte in den Medien so häufig als feststehende Erkenntnisse lesen, nicht aber als Ideen, Entdeckungen oder Indizien, um die es sich genau genommen in den meisten Fällen handelt. -Axel Bojowski

16-03-2015 23:23
Posts: 666

Found the issue, I was using the code from the data.bba, but I had to use the reworked code from the patch.bba

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Heb 11:1

This posting has been edited by AdeBont: 17-03-2015 at 07:33.

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