16.07.2019 12:52
Views: 2997

Nemesis New Land

Benötigte SpielversionRelease
Schwierigkeitsehr schwer
SpielervolkFrei wählbar
Bisher keine
Dateigröße3,38 MB

Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.08.2019
änderungen dieser Map anzeigen

Version 1.3
( Updated at 2019, 08/01 )

If you have any observations or have found an bug, please write to me.

Known bugs:
- You tell me.

Special thanks to:
- Niklot
- KonradAr

- If you play as player 4, you can speed up the delivery of goods to the headquarters from behind the swamp on the right by building two waterways on a small stretch of water.
- Player 5, when encountering a swamp below the headquarters, can cut out the stones around him and from the south you can make the way.
- Each player has two islands available for exclusive use, which can be reached by ship or slightly more difficult by land. On one island there is gold, on the other coal. None of the other players have access to your islands unless they beat you.
- Pay attention to the arrows. They advise you on important places or direct you towards confronting the enemy.
- You'll find fish in every water tank.
- Some resources in the mountains can only be reached at one point. Find him and you will not regret it.

Attention. The map is very time-consuming and can be difficult.

Estimated time of the game: Write in the comment

Have fun. Enjoy!


  Thema Antworten Letzter Beitrag
Nemesis New Land: Linker Gegner ist unerreichbar
Traurig, 20.07.2019 08:05
5 01.08.2019 22:47

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