19-12-2021 10:27
Views: 8223

Teil2 Bedrohung aus dem Westen DE - ENG

Map dates
Required gameversionLegends
Map size768
Difficultyvery difficult
franz101: TOP FIVE - „must-have“
DopeLolSensei: Best mapp i ever played!
krack_em: Ein Epos! Mehr davon!
Ghost: Herausfordernd und Vielseitig!
polaster64: One of the best maps ever
File size2,41 MB

Last update: 05-06-2022
Show the maplog of this map

Card type: story-based combat card with quests

Version: 1.2 date 06.02.2022

5 levels of difficulty, German and English selectable


It has now been 11 months since you were able to drive the enemy invading army out of your realm. Ravenna, Veii, and Ostia were secure, but Dario's mighty frontier fortress, Massalia, was still under enemy control. Under Pilgrim and your generals Octavianus and Flaminius, a huge invading army was set up in Ostia to recapture the old fortress city! It is still unclear why the shrouded People attacked your western border so vigorously. But you can ask later, your invading army is ready and waiting for your orders!

Note: It is a quest and battle card! The main focus, however, is the fight! This map is designed on the high difficulty levels (hard to legendary) to push strong, battle-focused settlers 5 players to their limits, so be warned ...

I wish you every success and perseverance with this fight and quest card!

Notes: There will be a solution comment from me that will help you if you don't know what to do next.

Special thanks to:

The mapper colleagues for help and advice:

TwA, P4F, Ludwig, Novator and very special thanks to Kimichura. A lot would not have worked without you!

English Translation: Ice_girl

The testers for your nerves and stamina:

Hermine65 (easy difficulty) | Mkf & Novator (normal difficulty) | mathias (hard difficulty) | ThePhoenix (very hard difficulty)


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Teil2 Bedrohung aus dem Westen DE - ENG: Komme nicht weiter im 1. Kapitel
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krack_em, 15-05-2022 13:37
1 17-05-2022 14:46
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Teil2 Bedrohung aus dem Westen DE - ENG: Grandiose Map ...& fertig!
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DopeLolSensei, 26-12-2021 17:23
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