NVMod - Antworten

Welche Screenshots stammen aus dem Spiel 'Die Siedler 4'?

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Der_Deutsche #
06.01.2020 19:01
Beiträge: 349

You need the App named "Discord"
On a Discord Server is the full lead to the server's
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/DPdEMrJ
And there is a Multiplayer Server:
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/RrXpNhv

Have Fun!

Nachbau von Siedler 5 Lobbys "Ubi.Com"

Updatelösungen Siedler 5 Patch 1.06

Creators Update Lösung Windows 10 Siedler 5

nomadworld #
05.01.2020 22:44
Beiträge: 82

Zitat von Ghoul:

Building Rotation is only available at kimichuras SP mod nowadays unfortunately. BB and Ubisoft didn´t support this for legends expansions anymore for unknown reasons so you can only place rotated buildings on the main game and expansion 1 (rise of the fog realm).

Thanks for info.
Rotating doesn't work for me everywhere: in main game and in both expansion packs. As well as the button "Pause|Break". I do not know why.

Where could I get kimichuras SP mod to try?
Btw, is this mod safe for stable gaming? Any glitches?

Be lazy = be happy

Dieser Beitrag wurde von nomadworld am 05.01.2020 um 23:03 editiert.

Ghoul #
04.01.2020 01:30
Beiträge: 284

Zitat von nomadworld:
Unfortunately no way. Any combination doesn't work
Thanks for your trying to help

Building Rotation is only available at kimichuras SP mod nowadays unfortunately. BB and Ubisoft didn´t support this for legends expansions anymore for unknown reasons so you can only place rotated buildings on the main game and expansion 1 (rise of the fog realm).

nomadworld #
02.01.2020 20:13
Beiträge: 82

Unfortunately no way. Any combination doesn't work
Thanks for your trying to help

Be lazy = be happy

SiteEngine v1.5.0 by nevermind, ©2005-2007
Design by SpiderFive (www.siedler-games.de) - English translation by juja
