HdR Vorgeschichte - Reply

Which screenshots belong to the game 'The Settlers HoK'?

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Rodinas #
14-10-2023 16:52
Posts: 5


Ich fand es zu sehr künstlich in die Länge gezogen mit der suche nach Schwefel.
Was soll daran Spaß machen, 2 Stunden nach einem Fitzel Schwefel zu suchen....
Die Karte ist an sich sehr schön gestaltet....aber das mit dem Schwefel nimmt einem am Ende den ganzen Spaß.

This posting has been edited by Rodinas: 14-10-2023 at 20:20.

Noggin #
29-07-2017 15:39
Posts: 2

Thanks MdK.
That was tough trying to find sulpher on that map.

Onward and forward

MdK #
29-07-2017 12:39
Posts: 416

Produziere 1 Sack Schwefel und besiege die Orks
Produce 1 bag of sulfur and defeat the orcs

Only the orcs, not gollum

have fun at the game

Noggin #
28-07-2017 21:58
Posts: 2

01 Vorgeschichte Lord of the Rings

Hi all,

Is there any chance someone could help me close out this first campaign mission please?
I have defeated the Orcs and most of Gollum but Gollum have one small tower with 3 soldiers in it that I cant reach due to it being on an island and out of reach.

Many, many, thanks if you can help?


hardwear_andy #
13-02-2015 09:46
Posts: 666

falls Du noch Hilfe bernötigtst gib mir per PN Bescheid.
LG Andy

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