No castle. - Antworten

Welche Screenshots stammen aus dem Spiel 'Die Siedler 3'?

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Cicero #
16.11.2015 14:32
Beiträge: 44

Wenn man den Trick kennt, ist der Rest machbar !

Die Map hat mir prima gefallen !
Habe aber lange gebraucht, um zu bemerken, dass Zitadelle == Black Castle ist . Bin halt ein Dummerchen. Cicero

29.04.2015 20:35

Zitat von SirAndrew:
Hi Arowana

when you move your mouse over the black castle you can see that the name changes from black castle to Zitadelle. ..............

Checked this tip with an old save and ... indeed i was blind.

Nice hidden building )

Thanks SirAndrew and Novator12 for clearing this out.

Novator12 #
29.04.2015 14:15
Beiträge: 111


SirAndrew is right,
i put the zitadell in the dark castle, you only need to scroll with ure mouse over it ;D

SirAndrew #
29.04.2015 11:13
Beiträge: 25

Look at the Black Castle

Hi Arowana

when you move your mouse over the black castle you can see that the name changes from black castle to Zitadelle. The Zitadelle is inside the black Castle and there you can get your leibis.
just move your mouse over it and see when the name changes

28.04.2015 23:51

No castle.


At the end i had same 4 leibies from start left and about 6 DZ in total included the green (last) one.

Talked with all and destroyed everything...ruines + red / yellow + green
Have the black castle but never got my own castle to create new leibies.

No victory announcement.

Thanks for your was a pleasure to play.

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