27.09.2013 19:22
443 mal angesehen

The Holdup

(No.2 in my continuing series of 4.)

The villagers had started resorting to desperate measures to get some extra cash... times were hard, and hold-ups were common.


Der Holdup
Dorfbewohner: Dies ist ein Holdup, wir werden dich halten, bis Sie uns Ihr ganzes Geld geben!

Sorry, ich merke das Wortspiel ist nicht halb so lustig in Deutsch;)

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» Kommentar schreiben

01.10.2013 23:20

All the money? Verdammt, diese Autobahnmaut wird auch immer teurer.

30.09.2013 23:11


Yes, perhaps No.3 in this series ought to be a little more... 'multilingual'...

It's a useful coincidence that the arm of the crane entity is just the right height to touch the top of cart, to give the illusion that the cart is slightly off the ground... but I'm not sure what the horse is going to do

27.09.2013 19:40

In german nobody gets it. But in english...

Nice idea

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