Briefing in multiplayer

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27-09-2018 19:22
Posts: 127

Briefing in multiplayer

How work briefings in multiplayer? They show for all players?

Sorry for my German

27-09-2018 20:03
Posts: 1472

Yes, they are shown for all players. But action and finished functions are not syncronized, so don't do something there that needs synchronous calls.

27-09-2018 20:16
Posts: 127

Okay, and the cutscenes too?

Sorry for my German

27-09-2018 20:48
Posts: 1472

I didn't test it. But simulated cutscenes (lua code) should, as they work the same as briefings. Real cutscenes (C++ code, x additional xml file inside the s5x) could work, but you have to test it.

27-09-2018 21:26
Posts: 102

If you want to show for example Message('' '') for only one player just use this:

if GUI.GetPlayerID()==1 then
Message("Only player 1 see this message")

I haven't tested it with briefings. I guess that briefing for only one player may cause some bugs and desynchronization. You have to test it

27-09-2018 22:13
Posts: 1472

A briefing is just some GUI stuff, so a briefing alone can't cause desyncs. But if you have something as action or finished functions, this could cause desyncs.

27-09-2018 22:33
Posts: 102

Posted by mcb:
A briefing is just some GUI stuff, so a briefing alone can't cause desyncs. But if you have something as action or finished functions, this could cause desyncs.

But there is something like "GlobalInvulnerable" when briefing or cutscene works, isn't there? How it works when one player is watching briefing/cutscene and another one is fighting?

27-09-2018 22:53
Posts: 1472

Stimmt, ist aber nur ein Problem, wenn bei einem Spieler ein entity stirbt...

28-09-2018 16:43
Posts: 127


And how works the npc in multiplayer?

Sorry for my German

28-09-2018 18:31
Posts: 1472

Only if you remove everything that lets the npcs look at the next player hero, they cause luaerrors in mp.

28-09-2018 18:40
Posts: 127

Okay, Thanks

Sorry for my German

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