NorthernIsland8 - Antworten

Welche Screenshots stammen aus dem Spiel 'Die Siedler DEdK'?

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Seeheim #
31.07.2007 20:16
Beiträge: 6

Some additional comments to sbear: The size of the island for protection is not so small. You can can fit in five larger towers, four small towers and 200 - 300 soldiers. Put level two or three bowmen in the towers and it makes a strong stand against attacks. None of your enemies has more than 100 - 130 soldiers at fifty minutes and only half of them attack initially. If you are lucky they attack simultaneously which makes them attack each other. You can build large residences on the 'walkpath' of your ally witch slows the attack even more. You have to put up buildings for workshops and residences immediately at game start and after that it gives time for scouting. With a fairly good building speed you will have enough soldiers to handle at least the attack from two enemies.

Additional comments on Crusaider73's comments: You can also build a small tower on the little island between your allies settlement if you are fast enough. Then both of them protect your tower (I missjudged the spot on the previous comment. I thought you meant the mountain in the north.)

Seeheim #
31.07.2007 17:47
Beiträge: 6

Hello sbaer!
The actual tactic on this map is to use small towers to expand and shortly after crush them while you build a strong fort with several large towers on the small island between yours and your ally's camp and stores all your soldiers there. You do not have any allies or enemies that are threatning your borders and that is why this works. With a couple of thiefs, you can scout for enemies approaching a construction site for a tower and interrupt the building of the tower before it is completed (The stop working button). This puts a little stress in building and expansion but works. The Enemy can actually walk through your settlement without doing anything. You do not have to fight all the enemies you see. Some of them is just passing through your settlement to get to other enemies (this also causes an extra stress). Just keep your specialist out of the way. You and your allies are the stronger part in this scenario since you have two allies and your enemies only have one (The white belongs to the yellow and orange but does not build any soldiers). Your allies are the weakest at the time for the AI attack so by protecting them initially the gameplay becomes easier after a while. You can expand to the southeast too, but have to watch out for arriving soldiers.

Crusader73 has a very good tip. In this place your only threat is the green tribe.

My maps contains only building and fighting because that is the most fun part of settlers. I bought settlers 3 in early 1999 and used to play a lot of maps downloaded from Ellys mapserver when it was running. It was a really good game with building and fighting without 'chasing critters on the screen'. The settlers 4 has a better AI but unfortunately a bit more micromanagement. Most of the initial maps was about running around with your hopeless thiefs looking for and collecting things (not to mention the trick of getting them into a boat with the stuff they were carrying). So I gave up on playing maps and start to create maps for building and fighting (after approx fifty minute the enemy arrives and they do not care whether you have got your thiefs into that boat or not). The somewhat unpredictable AI is good helper to produce different variations in the scenarios so you are never bored testing the maps (definitly no contest maps!).

If someone makes a map in one hour, the map is probably not so very good balanced since you got the chance to attack the AI settlement first. The AI settlement is rather vulnerable when attacked.

It is nice to hear that both of you liked the map and the scenario.

sbaer #
31.07.2007 15:24
Beiträge: 5

Hallo Crusader,

danke für den Tipp, werde ihn gleich mal ausprobieren!

Crusader 73
30.07.2007 22:04

Hallo Seeheim!Deine Maps sind voll o.k.!Hi Sbaer,kleiner Tip,Bau einen Gründungskarren und fahr in den Norden deines blauen Verbündeten und baue einen Turm!Dann schick nach und nach ein paar Level 3 Solis hoch und so gibts keine Propleme,weil der Verbündete den Turm mit beschützt.Und in der Zeit kannst du in Ruhe aufbauen.

sbaer #
30.07.2007 14:57
Beiträge: 5

Hallo Seeheim,
Sehr schön gestaltete Landschaft, aber zu wenig Platz/Rohstoffe und zuviele Player/Feinde um auf Dauer zu überleben, geschweige denn, zu siegen(das gilt für alle NorthernIsland-Maps). Gehöre zu der Fraktion derer, die mehr Wert auf Aufbau und Erkundung legen. Leider gibt es dafür viel zu wenige Maps (im Verhältnis zu den kampforientierten). Wie wäre es mit einer "Northern Island-Special-Map", bei der Du eine klitzekleine Insel einbaust, um "unsterblich" zu sein (wenn man es so möchte)??
Nicht jeder Amateur schafft es, eine 10fache Übermacht innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu besiegen (wenn ich manchmal so Kommentare lese, von wegen "habe die Map in 1 Stunde geschafft", kann ich nur lachen)!!!

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