Multiplayer scripts

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04.05.2018 16:23
Beiträge: 102

Multiplayer scripts


I don't know how to use script that checks name of the player (in multiplayer game) and puts it in message.
For example: My in game name is Qba. Script take it and then start message function:

Message("<<Qba>> destroyed your castle."

Can you help me?

Best regards,

04.05.2018 18:02
Beiträge: 1472

In SP UserTool_GetPlayerName returns exactly your username. (Looking at the function, it should also work in MP, but i didn't test this)

So your Message should look like this:

Message(" @color:255,0,0 "..UserTool_GetPlayerName(player).." destroyed your castle!")

04.05.2018 18:44
Beiträge: 102

Zitat von mcb:
In SP UserTool_GetPlayerName returns exactly your username. (Looking at the function, it should also work in MP, but i didn't test this)

So your Message should look like this:

Message(" @color:255,0,0 "..UserTool_GetPlayerName(player).." destroyed your castle!")

Ok, and when I want to use another player name I should use:

04.05.2018 18:55
Beiträge: 1472

You have to replace it with the number you want. So for player 1 UserTool_GetPlayerName(1) and for player 2 UserTool_GetPlayerName(2) .

04.05.2018 19:33
Beiträge: 237

Look in the Script-Wiki that can all help.

Die Gier eines Menschen kann man mit der einer Pflanze vergleichen:
Hat sie einmal genug Wasser und Sonne wächst sie um noch mehr zu bekommen.

04.05.2018 21:07
Beiträge: 102

Thank you very much guys

05.05.2018 12:05
Beiträge: 102

Oh, one more thing.
I want to make script that counts how many towers has been destroyed and then shows it in message. I guess I must use a variable.

It should be something like that:

Variable --> t=0


function Tower1
if IsDestroyed("Tower1") then
Message("You have destroyed "t" enemy towers.")
return true

function Tower1
if IsDestroyed("Tower2") then
Message("You have destroyed "t" enemy towers.")
return true

but I'm not sure if it is ok and I don't really know create/initiate variable. Can you help me?

05.05.2018 14:45
Beiträge: 1472

Creating+initializing a variable looks like this:

destroyedTowers = 0

You can use any name you want, but for a global variable like this, it is best to use a name which says what is stored in it (so no other function uses the same ).

But your code has an error:

Message("You have destroyed "t" enemy towers.")

should look like this:

Message("You have destroyed "..t.." enemy towers.")

The .. is an operator like + which concatenates its two arguments (and converts them to strings if they aren't).

Another thing: You write two (or more) functions Tower1, Tower2, ... that are basically the same. Putting the only difference into a parameter allowes you to use only one function:

function checkTowerDestroyed(towername)
   if IsDestroyed(towername) then
      destroyedTowers = destroyedTowers + 1
      Message("You have destroyed "..destroyedTowers.." enemy towers.")
      return true

destroyedTowers = 0
Trigger.RequestTrigger(Events.LOGIC_EVENT_EVERY_SECOND, nil, "checkTowerDestroyed", 1, nil, {"Tower1"})
Trigger.RequestTrigger(Events.LOGIC_EVENT_EVERY_SECOND, nil, "checkTowerDestroyed", 1, nil, {"Tower2"})

(This is not an optimal example, because StartSimpleJob does not accept parameters and i have to use Trigger.RequestTrigger instead.)
(Also a more efficient solution would use an EntityDestroyed-Trigger, but that is a bit more complicated. If you want to see it, just ask.)

05.05.2018 15:47
Beiträge: 102

Thank you mcb. Now I understand it.
You are real Lua genius.

Best regards,

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